Disaster and Pandemic Food Pantry: What To Include in Your Emergency Stockpile

liquid meal replacement

As most Americans are now aware, food shopping before a natural disaster or during a pandemic can be stressful. In fact, statistics compiled by Bloomberg show that 37% of shoppers still experienced out-of-stocks when shopping for food supplies in May 2020. Even now, many grocery stores are still unable to keep a steady supply of all the items that consumers need. And at a time when natural disasters are becoming more frequent and severe, it’s understandable that you might be worried about being able to get the products you need to survive.

That’s why it’s wise to stock up while you can. Rather than wait until the threat of a second wave of COVID-19 or an impending storm really hits, you can start adding to your emergency food stockpile now. But what exactly should you be looking for? You’ll want some essential items that provide lots of nutrients and have a decent shelf life while staying affordable. Here are a handful of foods and food replacements you should consider.

  • Nut Butters: Peanut butter is one of the most common items found in any pantry, but it should also be included in your emergency stockpile. It doesn’t need to be refrigerated, which is ideal if you have no access to electricity, and is filled with protein and healthy fat. If you’re allergic to peanuts, other nut butters can be a viable option.
  • Bottled Water: While you may not love the idea of stocking up on bottled water due to environmental concerns, this may prove vital in the event of a natural disaster. In case you’re unable to access your sink or your water supply becomes contaminated, you’ll want to have at least a few days’ supply of H2O on-hand. Ideally, you should have one gallon per person and aim to have two weeks’ worth of water.
  • Granola or Protein Bars: Granola bars are often packed with sugar, but there are some varieties that offer an impressive amount of protein and healthy carbs. Protein bars are often an even healthier choice, though both should provide you with substantial energy. Even better, these bars will stay fresh for at least six months. If you’re unable to find your favorite snack at the store or need something to hold you over until the power gets turned back on, these can be a good choice.
  • Canned Beans and Vegetables: Provided you also get yourself a can opener, canned beans and other canned vegetables can provide a ton of nutrients without the need for refrigeration. Technically, they don’t have to be heated, either. These are usually a must-have for disaster preparedness, but they’re also good to have in your home when fresh and frozen veggies are hard to come by during pandemic panic-shopping periods.
  • Liquid Meal Replacements: Although we’ve talked about some other long term survival foods, you can’t forget about liquid meal replacements when prepping for an emergency. A liquid meal replacement can provide all of the nutrients and calories your body needs when food supplies are scarce. You could actually live entirely off of these long term meal replacements if necessary. So whether you’re preparing to quarantine or you’re simply worried about what’s in stock at your grocery store, liquid meal replacements are a must-have.


Although you might be tired of the pandemic, the reality is that our current health crisis is ongoing. To avoid panic-shopping or to prep for other natural disasters, consider adding SPIZ liquid meal replacement to your emergency food pantry. Contact us today to learn more.